Student Christian Movement (SCM)
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Our Institution is a member of ‘STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT OF INDIA’ (SCMI). The LCC Unit of SCM organizes periodic fellowship of Christian students, teachers & staff which includes Bible study and discussions on various relevant issues as ear-marked by SCMI Head-Office from time to time. The LCC Unit of SCM emphasizes on building leadership qualities among Christian students so that apart from their studies, they can spread the Good News of the Gospel within the campus as well as off-campus.

The LCC Unit of SCM organizes Christmas Candle-Light/ Carol Service, before the college closes for Winter Vacation, as an annual feature. This event is organized in our College CHAPEL in which students, teachers & staff from almost all the units of Lucknow Christian College participate. It is usually followed by a Fellowship-Tea hosted by the College.
A forty-five minutes CHAPEL Service is also organized on every working Friday throughout the session by the faculty member & students. The message delivered are more or less for the upliftment of every individual student, irrespective of their faith & belief. Every student is encouraged to attend this programme so that they can become good human-being & able leaders of tomorrow.