Lucknow Christian Degree College

Lucknow Christian Degree College

Other Academic Activities

IGNOU – The People’s University

IGNOU is an Open University established by the Act of Parliament in 1985. IGNOU Study Centre at Lucknow Christian College was activated in 1991. It began its journey from 1991 with only 24 learners of the Diploma in Computer in Office Management (DCO) program. Through gradual awareness and the services extended by the University, the number of learners is increasing regularly.

The IGNOU Study Centre at our College (Study Centre Code: 2720) has 4 Master’s programmes, 3 Degree Programmes, 11 Diploma Programmes and 12 Certificate Programmes viz., M.Com., MARD, MSW, MBA, B.Sc., BCA, BSW, PDGGE, PGDHE, PGDIBO, PGDRD, PGDDM, PGDET, PGDSW, PGDAC, DAFE, DECE, DNHE, CAFÉ, CDM, CES, CFN, CIG, CNCC, CTPM, CPLT, CRD, CWDL, CHR and CFS.

Our College Study Centre is rated one of the best of the Lucknow Region, and one of our learners Ms. NEHA SINGH of the B.Sc. programme topped in India and was awarded the Gold Medal in the 2004 IGNOU convocation at New Delhi.

The students of our college can get enrolled on certificate and diploma programmes of their choice, where required qualification in Intermediate or Graduation. Thus when they complete their regular three-year graduation or two-year post-graduation from Lucknow University, they will have additional certificates or diplomas which will add value to their qualifications while seeking placements.

A detailed information of various courses can be had from the College Study Centre between 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm from Tuesday to Saturday (Except Holiday) or from the IGNOU’s website

Other Academic activities:

20/02/2025Inauguration of the Interfaculty Cricket tournament at LCC
19/01/2025Celebrating 76 Republic Day at Lucknow Christian Collage (2025)
26/01/2025Celebrating 76 Republic Day at Lucknow Christian Collage (2025)
08/02/2025Principal's meet at IMRT business school Lucknow
13/12/2024Christmas Carol Service at LCC on 13th of Dec. 2024
01/10/2024Boys' and Girls' doubles badminton tournament
30/09/2024Lucknow Christian Degree College organised an Interfaculty Badminton tournament (Singles)
19/09/2024Release of the 8th Volume of the Newsletter- 'Zooacademia'
14/09/2024१४ सितंबर को लखनऊ क्रिश्चियन कॉलेज में हिंदी दिवस मनाया गया एवं पोस्टर प्रतियोगिता का भी आयोजन हुआ।
10/08/2024Orientation day assembly
15/08/2024Celebrating 78th Independence day of India
21/06/2024International Yoga Day at Lucknow Christian College Lucknow
15/06/2024Rank Ceremony 2024
20/05/2024Voting awareness campaign LCC May 2024
06/05/2024Environment Conservation efforts at LCC
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