Manager's Message
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Message from the Manager’s Desk

Prof. (Dr.) R.R.Lyall
Lucknow Christian College (LCC) has completed a journey of 162 years. It is an all India Institution of the Methodist Church in India and has produced scientists, educationalists and scholars of repute by imparting quality education.
Lucknow Christian Degree College (LCDC), Lucknow College of Physical Education (CPE), Christian Training College(CTC), Centennial Higher Secondary School (CHSS) and Lucknow Christian College School (LCCS), LCC stands for certain principles and traditions. All units are working together to keep moving towards higher goals. It is possible to make LCC an Institution of Excellence through our joint efforts. I recognize all well wishers and supporters for extending full support to the Institution. I also wish all the best to those who join this Institution of learning in future.